Contact Us

We offer individual, semi-private, and trio class options that are tailored to your individual needs. Contact us by email or by using the text box to find out more information.

We look forward to hearing from you! Please check your spam folder if you do not receive a reply from us within 24 hours.

2515 Burrard St, Suite 313
Vancouver, BC, V6J 1Y1

Studio Policies

Studio Policies

Cancelation Policy - Please note that we have a 24 hour cancellation policy for all Pilates sessions. Any cancellations received with less than 24 hours notice will be charged in full. 

Late Arrivals - Sessions begin on time so please arrive no more than 5 minutes prior to your scheduled time in order to get settled. 

Clothing - Please wear clothing that you feel comfortable moving in. Clients are required to wear grip socks or go bare feet within the studio. 

Communication - We value our clients and are committed to responding to emails within 24 hours. Please email us at

Refund Policy - All Pilates service sales are final. We do not provide refunds for service sales for any purchases, packages and single sessions included. Please note all packages expire 6 months after the purchase date.