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We offer individual, semi-private, and trio class options that are tailored to your individual needs. Contact us by email or by using the text box to find out more information.

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2515 Burrard St, Suite 313
Vancouver, BC, V6J 1Y1

massage therapy and Reflexology


Registered Massage therapy

Massage Therapy - Understanding the broad breath of massage therapy We helps clients throughout the spectrum of human health and performance. Massage methodology includes personalized assessments and treatments, complemented by ongoing discussions on optimal movement strategies. We are happy to meet you where you are whether that be focusing on rehabilitation, recovery, sport specific applications or just trying to feel a little better every day.


Registered Massage Therapy Treatment $130



Reflexology is an art and science based on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet, hands and ears. The feet, hands and ears are microcosm of the body, reflecting the entire body; all the organs and glands. By applying pressure with specific thumb and finger techniques, reflexology will reduce tension, promote relaxation, increase circulation and bring body back to balance/homeostasis.


  • Foot Reflexology $111
  • Hand Reflexology $88
  • Hand and Foot Relexology $155