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We offer individual, semi-private, and trio class options that are tailored to your individual needs. Contact us by email or by using the text box to find out more information.

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2515 Burrard St, Suite 313
Vancouver, BC, V6J 1Y1

the team

Ayla Fletcher

Ayla completed her physiotherapy degree in Western Australia in 2015 and found herself immediately drawn to the incredible effect that Pilates can have on strength and conditioning, injury prevention and injury rehabilitation. In 2015 Ayla became a Clinical Pilates instructor training in the Polestar Pilates method and has been providing both group classes and individualized one-on-one Pilates sessions ever since. Ayla worked as the Senior Pilates Instructor for Live Well Physio (Western Australia) providing Pilates training and mentoring to other physiotherapist during her time at the clinic. Over the last nine years Ayla has been working as both a Pilates instructor and physiotherapist with a passion for exercise rehabilitation, strengthening, toning, body balancing/realigning and functional mobility.

Ayla has worked as the Clinical Pilates instructor for Canada’s national moguls ski team athletes and has worked as a sports physiotherapist with professional and semi-professional teams including the Western Force, Freestyle Canada, Perth Soccer Club and Nedlands Rugby Union Football Club as well as high level rock climbers, mountain bikers, ultra marathon runners, skiers and snowboarders. In 2016 and 2017 she completely her Physiotherapy Sports Level 1 & 2 Certificates with the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) as well as obtaining her Level 1 & 2 Sports Trainer Certificates through Sports Medicine Australia (SMA). In her time off work she enjoys an active lifestyle of rock climbing, hiking, canoeing and camping.